A Flight to Remember
On March 2nd, 2022, I had the pleasure to host my good friend Todd for a flight in the A320 cockpit. For both of us flying as a 2-pilot crew was a novel experience. After a short familiarization flight the evening before, Todd and I flew that day from Nice, France (LFMN) to Frankfurt, Germany (EDDF), and then on to Innsbruck, Austria (LOWI). This video documents our first flight and is my tribute to the wonderful gentleman Todd was.
Todd loved piloting the Airbus and helped me a few months earlier with learning some of the intricacies of the A320. He enjoyed flying in Europe, frequently crisscrossing the virtual skies of the Old Continent for Vueling or easyJet.
As the time of his visit coincided with the 10th anniversary of Mirage, our virtual airline, we decided to stream these flights to our Discord server. We were joined by Jerry, Jon, and Joacim, either on Discord or in the air via a multiplayer session.
Join us at the front of the plane as we just walked off the jetway into a cold and dark cockpit…
Flight EZY14TD – LFMN to EDDF
Video Tribute from Captain Mac
And here is the wonderful tribute created by Captain Mac.